Martin Automatic - delivers results at the Labelexpo Europe
Posted: September 20, 2023

Martin’s Gavin Rittmeyer (left) and Bernd Schopferer (right) with Krämer Druck’s Project Manager Mathias Baur, and Managing Directors Christian and Matthias Krämer, and the Martin MBS and LRD technology that was delivered straight after Labelexpo closed.
Visitors to the Martin Automatic stand in Brussels were able to experience the unique blend of Martin technology and hospitality, with more than 140 live machine demonstrations and over 200 hotdogs served during the four-day show.
The popular MBS non-stop automatic butt splicer and LRD non-stop automatic transfer rewinder provided the focus of attention for visitors – each displayed with ergonomic, space saving considerations requested by Krämer Druck, the end-user located in the beautiful Mosel valley, at whose facility the equipment was installed immediately following the exhibition. This is the second set of Martin non-stop automation technology on a label press that combines various processes at Krämer Druck, which specializes in the production of wine and spirits labels.
Martin's common sense 'Keep It Simple (KIS)' philosophy of machine design was on clear display as visitors interacted with the machines - often participating in splice preparation and splice initiation. "We do our best not only to inform but also to immerse customers in the Martin experience," explained Gavin Rittmeyer, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, "and from the looks of satisfaction and expressions of delight, I believe that we achieved these goals."
Martin Automatic also introduced customers to its 4 'Easy' propositions - Easy to Use, Easy to Understand, Easy to Maintain and Easy to Integrate. With specific regard to the 4th proposition, Rittmeyer commented: "We have provided non-stop solutions for nearly all the leading narrow web press, converting and laminating manufacturers. In the digital field, we have automated HP Indigo equipment, and we've integrated roll change automation for other digital and hybrid press platforms, including Domino, Kodak, and others."
Concluding, he emphasized: "We do not compete with OEMs but work alongside them to ensure customers have the best possible overall experience when automating new presses, or when automating presses aftermarket. It is another part of our overall philosophy - to help make the industry more efficient, more environmentally healthy, more prosperous, and more friendly."
Martin's principle is to remove any concern machine operators might have about unwind and rewinds by using pure-form design that satisfies all customer requirements and provides a TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) that is among the lowest in the industry. "It really is the 4Es, 4U!" he added.